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All posts tagged "Ghana"


Biography of Kiki Gyan, a true Ghanaian music legend! While receiving an award on behalf of her daughter, Beyoncé at the just ended Black...

Getting To Know

Music like any other art form is ever-evolving. At this juncture of its evolution, emphasis has shifted from lyricism and other intricacies of song-writing...

10 Questions

Unorthodox Reviews caught up with new recording artiste Tinuke, a Ghana-based Nigerian rapper. We had a little chit-chat, and this is what ensued…Enjoy!  1....

10 Questions

This edition of 10 Questions features RnB and soul crooner BiQO. On the heel of his recent release “Pardon me”, this interview explores his...

10 Questions

Unorthodox Reviews had a tête-á-tête with Rapper Pee Wyllz. We talked about his thoughts on life, his music and his future. Enjoy our debut...
