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10 Questions

10 Questions: Korty


I fell in love with Korty’s creativity after watching a couple of her videos on Instagram. We followed up and realized she’s been at this for some time now and has a lot to offer the world. Our weekend was spent with her as we got to know the ins and outs of this amazing woman.

1. What started this love you have for the camera and making videos and what gives you the motivation to stick with it?

Tbh I think it’s mostly Cos I grew up watching a lotttt of music videos and most of them used to seem like trash and I wondered if it was really that hard or people were just clueless so I went to find out. Well. Still finding out lol and I’m realizing videos are a lotttt more than what I thought they were, but it’s definitely not that difficult if you love it. Lowkey, I still haven’t shot a proper music video. But I will… soon 🌚 Err, Nothing gives me the motivation to stick with it lol it’s something I love so it’s like ride or die, I don’t really have a choice. I was born with it I’m gonna die with it.

2. We understand you’re one of the video producers for a Nigerian brand called Zikoko, kindly tell us what it is all about.

Yes, I am one of the video producers at Zikoko. I am. It gets crazzzzyyyyy sometimes, filled with a bunch of mad people, like mental people, no seriously lmao, but it’s a good space to get crazy, I absolutely love it there.


3. How has your roots or upbringing influenced your art?

Oh, my entire family is like… a work of art. Literally. My dad was/ is an artist. The best I know. My mum became an interior designer and well my siblings are probably more creative than I can ever think I am

4. We’d like to know the young afro artists you really enjoy listening to and why?

Oh shit this is definitely my favorite question; in no particular order

MINZ, TEMS, JOEBOY, AKTHEKING, KWESI ARTHUR, MOSS, BARRY JHAY, JOEY B, PSYCHO YP, BLAQBONEZ, AMAARAE, FLASH (I don’t know why he doesn’t put out music often ffs he’s so talented ugh), TOYÉ , BUJU, WALLZ, REMA, AYÜÜ, it’s so many people o

I just really like that our sound is shifting and all of these guys + people I can’t remember rn are going to fuck everything up

I get excited every time I think about it

Oh I loveeeee music like I loveeeeee music

5. What inspired the ‘HER’ series/project?

My boss, 😂 he wanted the show.
Sorry there’s no cute story

6. How would you describe your sense of fashion and do you still model?

Bro, it’s comfort over anything. Lol just kidding I’m just a lazy piece of shit and I can’t put any effort into looking great except I’m getting paid for it. Sigh.

That modeling question = 70% no 30% yes

7. Do you have any other major interests outside creating videos?

I paint, design, I really like to dance I really really like to dance but I make myself sad when I dance Cos ha. That shit is bad. But I’m learning sound engineering and I’m learning about holograms. You see the thing is I’m a very curious person so I try out a lot of things

8. Walk us through your creative process. How are you inspired?

Step 1: Work hard

Step 2: look up to God

Step 3: Don’t give up

…. just kidding lol

I actually get ideas when I’m relaxed, but I’m always stressed.

Also, I think I generally tend to think a lot so usually if I think of something and it doesn’t add up I ask around if it’s still not satisfactory I google it

Getting pieces here and there eventually helps me come up with an answer to my questions

And then I can decide whether or not to turn it into a video

Okay that’s like 70% of the truth

The real truth. I think I have great taste, I think my imagination is crisp, so I can easily inspire myself. 😭

I just gave you guys three answers. Sigh. Sorry

9. Do you look up to any Film Makers in Nigeria?

No, I don’t

10. What is next for Korty?

Lmao I’m probably going to sleep after this or continue editing this video for work I haven’t finished since morning🤷🏾‍♀️

Thanks for this btww!!!!!

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