Growth is often a fundamental factor in determining one’s success in the art industry. As a professional artist, at some point in your career, you’ll feel as if you’ve reached a plateau in our work and are not growing.
In this article, I’ll walk you through 4 reasons why you are not growing as an artist:
1. Spamming Your Audience.
Instead of spamming on every platform and force-feeding your fans one piece of content, you should rather mix it up and post different types of content on your socials.
2. Rushing Your Releases.
Take time to prepare a solid PR strategy before releasing your music. Send press pitches over to blogs, YouTube channels, and other promotional platforms. Also develop compelling promotional content for your releases by way of song artwork, promotional videos, gifs, memes, etc.
3. No Consistency.
This is a big buzz killer. Often artists develop momentum over time but fail to capitalize on it during to a lack of consistency.
In this new age, where your audience has a short attention span, if you aren’t constantly posting your audience will quickly forget about you. Engage your audience daily and schedule regular intervals within which you release music.
4. Poor branding.
Branding is everything in this era!
Be precise and consistent with your content, your messaging and the image you portray to your audience. Also, study your favorite artiste and try emulating desirable elements of their brand which are consistent with yours.
Working as an artist is very similar to life. If you stay still and become a one-trick pony, eventually that trick will die down, so it is crucial that your work keeps moving forward and improving, otherwise you will fall behind.
PS. If you are a musician and are looking for more industry hacks, follow us on Instagram and twitter for more updates.