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4 Important Facts About Instagram Stories

Important Facts About Instagram Stories

Instagram is currently one of the most vital marketing tools for musicians.

In August 2016, Instagram launched Instagram Stories, a feature within the Instagram app where users can capture and post images and video content in a slideshow format. This feature is very similar to Snapchat. For both apps, the content is available for only 24 hours from the time of posting.

We are in 2020 and a lot of musicians and creators have still not figured out how to take advantage of Instagram Stories. Stories is a very important feature. They are seen as little circles at the very of the feeds of your followers. And with Instagram Highlights, you can now curate your stories and your Instagram homepage to have your fans see the moments that matter the most.

Below are some of the reasons why Instagram Stories Should be Important to you as a musician or creator:

1. Over 500 million people now use Instagram Stories on a daily as compared to Snapchat’s 210 million.

Since its launch in 2016, Instagram Stories has become one of the core reasons why Instagram is so popular up to this time. Every single day, whether viewing or posting, half a billion users make use of Instagram Stories. It is very obvious Stories are very important channels for all creators and brands. Making use of this feature will help in the growth of your music career and brand.

2. Instagram Stories are on track to overtake posts in the feed as the most common way people share across all social media apps.

After the massive increase in users of Instagram Stories over than traditional feed posts, Instagram conducted a survey and these are the conclusions they drew from it:

  • 47% find Instagram Stories helps them be more authentic in their communication with friends and family.
  • 44% are drawn to Instagram Stories because content disappears after 24 hours.
  • 39% have become more interested in a brand/product after seeing it on Instagram Stories.

3. In a survey conducted by Facebook, 69% of people say they think stories are a great way for brands to showcase new products and services.

People tend to want to interact more with a Story than an ordinary post in feed for 2 reasons. First is that with Stories, they get to see what a celebrity, brand or someone they like is up to in real-life and real-time. The content hasn’t necessarily gone through any post-production and it seems real to the viewer. These days, one can hardly tell Models and ordinary people apart ‘on the gram‘ since they all look alike. Editing tools and knowledge has become widespread that anyone can look like a celebrity with a free mobile editing app. Seeing raw footage of people we perceive as stars bring us closer to them for some reason.

Secondly, people frequently turn to stories than feed to see playful, funny content.

4. What consumers want most from brands are those that features sales and promotions, those that are quick and easy to understand, those that offer tips and advice, those that introduce new products and those that feel real.

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